The vet was a jackass, stupidest piece of shit I ever talked to with no concept of how to handle someone whos sad, she acted like I was seven years old or something. But I couldn't be bothered, at the time I was alredy gone. The great big bubble of glass that tends to swallow me, isolate me, had alredy been lowered down over my head. It was just me and my baby in the whole world, and I had alredy said my good-byes. Nothing to do but to hold him and hope I offer some kind of comfort to him, I pray he's not scared as they give him the injection.
And to Skorpan:
I suppose it was inevitable. I suppose I'm selfish for crying as much as I do because you where tired, and I understand if you wanted to sleep. It just hurts to be without you because you made me so happy and I loved you so much. I hope this was the right decision, and I hope I will see you again.
Love you always and forever ~Josephine
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