Name:Josephine Valentine Birthday:May 9, 1989 Height:165 cm Location: Sweden Occupation:Daydreamer Pet peeve: Repeating myself Interests: Japanese fashion, ghosts, video games, medical illustrations, shopping, antiques, Sherlock Holmes and art. Favourite brands:Angelic Pretty, Q-pot & Emily temple cute. Favourite... Colours:Pink, Mint & Lavender Food:Pancakes & Chocolate Games: Professor Layton, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 & Odins Sphere Music:Chopin Movies:City of lost children & Pan's labyrinth Artists:Vania Zouravliov, Imai Kira & Ivan Bilibin Contact:
Makis illustration for the latest Jewelry jelly, haven't seen her art in a while but it's just as cute as allways. I would like the dress in lavender but we will have to see about that since money is kind of scarce at the moment.
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